Cosmetology Night School in Texas

cosmetology night school

Looking for a night-time cosmetology school? Houston Training School offers flexible cosmetology night school programs for our students. We understand that every student has unique needs and can’t necessarily spend their day in a classroom. If you have a demanding schedule during the day, night-time cosmetology classes may be the perfect solution!

When you begin the process of figuring out how to choose a cosmetology school, it’s important to ask yourself a few questions. Is cosmetology school right for me? Do you know if you’d like to be in cosmetology full-time or part-time? Do you need financial aid for cosmetology school? Once you have those questions answered, you can focus on choosing the beauty school that can best fit your individual needs. For some, that means exploring flexible scheduling options like night school. 

Houston Training Schools offers flexible class schedules with three different schedule options to choose from for any student looking for cosmetology training, including night-time classes.

Night-time cosmetology school and its benefits 

Between job responsibilities, parenting duties, and other commitments, traditional day-time classes may not be for everyone. If you’ve decided that being a cosmetologist is your dream but classes during the day don’t seem to fit into your current lifestyle, you could benefit from taking night classes at Houston Training Schools.

These are just some of the reasons why part-time or night-time beauty school could be the right choice for an aspiring cosmetology student:

You’re a parent

Parents, we understand the struggle of balancing family time and your career, especially with young children. Attending night classes can allow you to work around your family’s schedule! It’s never too late to work toward your dreams.

You work a full or part-time day job

Who said you have to choose between school and work? With night-time cosmetology school, you can work during the day and still make time for your education. If you’re thinking about starting your cosmetology training with us but still want to keep your day job, our night-time cosmetology classes are the perfect solution. You don’t need to sacrifice your income for your education with our flexible scheduling options. 

You’re more of a night owl than an early bird 

If the thought of waking up for morning classes makes you want to hit the snooze button, odds are you may enjoy night classes more! We get it, after all, you need your beauty sleep! Some students learn faster and retain information better in night classes as they’re more focused during that time. 

How does night-time cosmetology school work at Houston Training Schools? 

No matter your situation, Houston Training Schools can help to make your dream of becoming a cosmetologist fit into your calendar. But how many hours a day is beauty school if you’re in a day vs. night school? Essentially, it depends on the program that you choose. 

For example as of Spring 2021, our cosmetology night school and esthetician night school program classes run from 6 pm to 10 pm, Monday through Thursday. 

As one of the only cosmetology schools in Houston to offer night school options, we pride ourselves on giving our students flexible scheduling opportunities to best fit their needs. For more information on enrollment and course specifics, please contact our offices. 

Have any questions about our cosmetology night school? Contact Houston Training Schools today!

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of cosmetology night school, we hope that you consider enrolling in our night-time cosmetology courses! Houston Training Schools offers a variety of Houston cosmetology programs with flexible class schedules so you can get award-winning training on your terms. 

If you’re interested in enrolling in our cosmetology night school, apply online today or call 877-640-4747 for more information. Your future in beauty awaits!

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