How to Find the Best Cosmetology School in Houston for You

Cutting Hair

If you are looking to begin your career in beauty, finding the best cosmetology school in Houston can be the first step to achieving your dreams. But with so many schools and programs to choose from, how can you tell which cosmetology school is right for you? Here are some factors to consider when researching cosmetology training programs so that you can find the best cosmetology school in Houston for you.


1. Look for schools with well-rounded cosmetology training


Whether you dream of becoming a hairstylist, a makeup artist, or a manicurist, many cosmetology schools offer programs that allow you to choose a specialty while also receiving a well-rounded education. Meaning, you won’t just learn about your specialty. Instead, you will be exposed to multiple areas of the industry in order to be fully prepared for what is to come! That’s why when potential students ask us, “What do you learn at cosmetology school?” our answer is a little bit of everything! 

If you have a specific interest in mind, make sure the school you choose offers a reputable cosmetology training program. When you go on a campus tour or speak to a representative, ask questions about the courses available to see if they are the right fit for your career goals. 

A good school may also have:

  • Affiliations with local salons
  • Career placement services
  • High graduation and cosmetology exam passing rates
  • Balanced student-to-teacher ratio

Diversity in cosmetology training is important 

Diversity in any type of education is important. It’s important to choose a school that will teach you how to work with all different types of clients. That way, you will be able to get crucial hands-on experience with a multitude of clients that will make you more attractive to future employers. Houston Training Schools (HTS) is an accredited natural hair school with an emphasis on providing students with an inclusive educational experience. Our student body is represented by 40 different countries and all of our classes are taught in both English and Spanish. 


2. Look for schools that offer financial aid 


How much does it cost to go to cosmetology school in Texas? The cosmetology training program at Houston Training Schools costs $10,100 for a well-rounded curriculum. We understand that tuition prices are not feasible for every student, and we are here to help. 

If you’ve been searching for cosmetology schools in Houston that accept financial aid, you’ll be pleased to hear that Houston Training Schools provides multiple financial aid options for cosmetology school students. Not only that, but at Houston Training Schools, we are committed to helping our students graduate without debt. 


3. Look for schools with a passion to prepare students for their careers


This one should go without saying, but if you choose a school with instructors that truly care about their students’ success, you will find yourself more prepared to get your Houston cosmetology license. At Houston Training Schools, we created our cosmetology program to be as inclusive as possible to fully prepare students for their cosmetology licensing exams and for their future careers in beauty. Whether you want to open your own salon or work in a specific industry, you will feel confident and ready after your HTS cosmetology training.

Keep reading: What can you do with a cosmetology license?


4. Look for schools that offer flexible scheduling options 


Family, work, and personal obligations can keep you busy, so it is important to find a cosmetology school that fits your lifestyle. Most programs offer classes during the day, but that may not work well for every student. If you believe that you would thrive better in evening classes, Houston Training Schools offers cosmetology night school classes! You can also choose to enroll full-time or part-time, making it even easier to fit classes around your other responsibilities.

Looking for the Best Cosmetology School in Houston? Apply to Houston Training Schools Today!

Choosing the best cosmetology school in Houston for you is an important decision that can affect your future career. If you are looking for a school that offers a challenging curriculum, hands-on experience, and a friendly environment, consider Houston Training Schools. Houston Training Schools is a well-rounded, accredited cosmetology training school with two campuses in Houston, TX. To enroll in our cosmetology program, apply online today or call 877-640-4747 for more information. 

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