Cosmetology School Requirements in Texas

Cosmetology School Requirements in Texas

In order to answer the question, “What do you need to get into beauty school?” it’s important to understand that cosmetology school requirements vary depending on the school’s standard. As a baseline, most cosmetology schools in Texas look at factors including age and education history of the applicant when choosing students. 

If you’ve already answered the question “Is cosmetology school right for me?” and are now wondering how to choose a cosmetology school that is right for you, be sure to research every school’s application requirements prior to enrolling. 

At Houston Training Schools (HTS), we’ll be glad to answer any questions you may have about our enrollment process. Feel free to call us at 877-640-4747 for more information. 

Do you need a GED for cosmetology school in Texas? 

As mentioned above, the school admissions requirements vary depending on the cosmetology school you choose to attend. The overarching answer is yes, most cosmetology schools in the state of Texas — including Houston Training Schools — require a high school diploma or a GED to enroll in the program. A majority of Texas institutions require their students to be at least 17 years of age to enroll. It’s important to thoroughly research your cosmetology school of choice’s enrollment requirements to be sure that you’re prepared! 

Houston Training Schools cosmetology school requirements

To enroll in the HTS cosmetology program in Houston, the applicant must:

  • Be above the compulsory school age (at least 17 years of age with valid ID)
  • Have a high school diploma or GED certificate 

In addition, if you’re looking to apply for our Cosmetology Instructor’s Program, the applicant must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Have a high school diploma or its equivalent 
  • Have a current Texas Cosmetology License*

That’s it! A Certificate of Cosmetology from Houston Training Schools can open doors to incredible opportunities throughout the growing beauty industry. We will provide you with a top-tier education so that you can feel confident and ready for your cosmetology licensing exam. 

*In order to apply for the cosmetology license exam, you must complete the 1,000 total hours of HTS’s cosmetology program, whether through day time classes or cosmetology night school.  For those who are curious about licensing requirements in Texas, please refer to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Cosmetology Administrative Rules. The TDLR cosmetology laws and rules book will discuss all of the requirements you will need to know in order to get a cosmetology license in Texas.

Choose Houston Training Schools for your cosmetology education

Now that we’ve covered our cosmetology school requirements, if you’re interested in a Houston cosmetology program, look no further than HTS. As of January 1, 2021, Houston Training Schools has a 90% licensure rate, meaning that we provide our students with the tools and knowledge necessary to pass their licensing exams. 

If you’re looking for cosmetology schools in Texas that accept financial aid, we here at Houston Training Schools are proud to say that we help our students graduate debt-free. 

Your future in beauty awaits! To enroll in Houston Training Schools, apply online today or call 877-640-4747 for more information. 

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