What Do You Learn in a Barber Program?

Female barber cutting man’s hair

Are you interested in joining a barber program but are still wondering what it will entail? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Houston Training Schools is one of the few barber schools in Houston that offers bilingual classes focusing on hands-on learning. Our syllabus is crafted to prepare our barber students for a career in barbering by covering the history, safety protocols, and core techniques needed to be a master of your craft.

Equipped with the latest tools and high-quality products provided by CHI, our experienced instructors are dedicated to teaching you the techniques and skills you need to turn your passion into an exciting career.

What do you learn in barber school?

Here is a brief overview of our barber program’s curriculum:

  • Safety precautions
  • Shampoos, rinses, and scalp treatments
  • Chemical rearranging (perms and relaxers)
  • Hair coloring and bleaching
  • Hair styling and cutting
  • Manicuring and massage theory
  • Facials and other skin care
  • Shaving
  • Professional skills needed to succeed in your workplace

Let’s dissect a few of these items in more detail so you can better understand what to expect in our program. This can help you to decide if you want to learn more about how to become a barber. 

1. Safety precautions

Good barber schools, like Houston Training Schools, will teach you more than just the basics. While learning to cut and style hair is an important part of barbering, we also place a heavy focus on teaching skills that will help you thrive as a professional barber wherever you decide to work. To do this, we begin with the not-so-glamorous items that are crucial to know and master.

Sanitation, sterilization, and bacteriology

Safety should always come first, no matter what career path you choose. The key to providing efficient and quality barber services is keeping your clients as safe as possible throughout the process. As a barber, it is your responsibility to offer a clean and safe environment where they will not be exposed to any harmful situations.

At the beginning of your barber program, we will discuss:

  • Health and safety regulations in the state of Texas
  • How to properly disinfect your tools and your workspace
    • Sterilization: removing all biological matter from an object
    • Bacteriology: studying bacteria
    • Sanitization: removing oil and dirt from an object or surface
  • First-aid training
  • How to properly handle chemicals and other potentially harmful substances
  • And more

These are skills that you will apply every single day on the job as a professional barber. Remembering the correct terminology and safety procedures is of the uppermost importance when dealing with clients who put their safety in your gloved hands.

2. Hair and skin treatments

In line with more traditional barbering skills, you will learn how to apply a variety of treatments to the client’s hair and skin, including:

  • Shampoos, rinses, and scalp treatments
  • Chemical rearranging (perms and relaxers)
  • Hair coloring and bleaching
  • Hair styling and hair cutting
  • Shaving and facial hair grooming
  • Facials and other skin care

An important aspect of our barber program is our hybrid hands-on education model. This means that every barber student will be able to apply what they have learned in the classroom to a real person.

Why is hands-on learning important? We’re glad you asked! While mannequins and other tools are useful in learning the techniques, the best way to hone these skills is to practice them on a real-life client. Our program allows students to provide barber students to clients who come into any of our campus salons while under the supervision of our talented instructors. This type of learning better prepares students for their licensing exams and their future careers.

You will master the art of helping your clients look and feel their best with our hands-on learning model.

3. Manicuring

If you’re surprised to see manicuring on our barber curriculum, you wouldn’t be the first! Not many barber schools in Houston offer manicuring as a part of their barber program; in fact, most cover it in their cosmetology program or their nail technician program.

However, we believe that manicuring and massage theory are an important part of the barber experience. Oftentimes, clients want to be pampered when they visit a salon, spa, or barber shop — and providing excellent nail services and massages can take their experience to the next level.

You will learn basic and advanced nail techniques to provide your clients with a fresh manicure to accompany their hair and skin services. This skill can set you apart from other barbers as one that can operate beyond what is expected.

4. Professional skills

Aside from acquiring a vast knowledge of products and applications, you’ll also need to learn how to conduct yourself in a professional environment. The beauty industry has a “talk the talk and walk the walk” kind of vibe where how you carry yourself is almost as important as the quality of your barber services.

If you want to be a professional barber, here are some of the traits that you will need to succeed:

  • Patience
  • Honest and transparent communication
  • People skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Perseverance
  • Mental and physical stamina
  • Time management skills

Students who study and graduate from Houston Training Schools often say that we are one of the best beauty schools because their education helped them to not only pass their licensing exams but also become the best versions of themselves as professionals. Due to a strong focus on interpersonal skills during their training, they feel prepared to apply to any job or work in any environment.

Join our Houston barber program at Houston Training Schools!

There is more to barbering than just hair cutting and hair styling. Good barber schools will prepare you to obtain your barber license and future career. Houston Training Schools offers a diverse curriculum and hands-on learning so that you will have all of the tools and skills necessary in your arsenal to be the best barber you can be.

Some frequently asked questions we receive from potential students include:

  • How long is barber school in TX? Our barber program requires you to complete 1,000 hours. On a regular program track, these hours can be completed in 40 weeks; however, we do offer flexible scheduling options and night classes.
  • How much is Texas barber school? The tuition for most barber programs, including ours, is $11,100. This covers your equipment and textbooks; however, if you happen to own the current textbook and adequate kit components, you can opt out of purchasing them again.

The quality of your education is our top priority. We’ve dedicated years to providing a safe and inclusive space for aspiring beauty professionals to learn and grow. If you’re ready to jumpstart your future as a barber in Houston, apply online or set up a tour of either of our Houston-area campuses.

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