How to Become a Barber in Houston

Barber cutting a male client’s hair.

If you’re looking into how to become a barber, you must be passionate about men’s hairstyling and grooming. If the art of crafting a perfect fade or a sharp cut calls to you, becoming a barber could be a perfect career choice!


As a professional barber, you become responsible for helping men feel and look their best, and can enjoy a long career that is rewarding both creatively and emotionally.


Houston Training Schools wants to help each of our Houston barber students grow their skills to be successful in this industry. If you’re ready to begin your journey, here is how to become a barber in Houston:


  1. Find the best barber schools in Houston
  2. Complete a barber program
  3. Pass your licensing exams

What qualifications do I need to be a barber?

To become a barber in Texas, you must meet specific qualifications set by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR). The main requirement is completing at least 1,000 hours of training at a licensed barber school.


To enroll in most barber schools in Houston, you must be at least 17 years of age and have a high school diploma or GED.


After completing your training program, you must pass written and practical exams administered by the state to demonstrate your skills and knowledge. Meeting these qualifications ensures that you’re ready to start your career as a barber in Texas.

Step 1: Find the best barber schools in Houston

The first thing you need to do is select a reputable barber school in Houston for your education. The right school will not only teach you basic barbering skills but also offer an environment where you can grow your professional skills. Because there are many barber schools in Houston to choose from, take your time to find the school that is right for you.


Houston Training Schools is a great school for barbering because we offer a comprehensive curriculum and have experienced instructors. We also offer classes in both English and Spanish to accommodate our diverse group of students.

Should I go to barber school?

Is barber school worth it? Absolutely! In the crowded beauty and barbering industry, getting a good education helps you stand out from the jump. Learning both in and out of the classroom gives you the skills to succeed and attract clients early in your hairstyling career.


Learn more about how to build clientele as a hairstylist.

Step 2: Complete a barber program

Once you choose a school, your next step will be to enroll in an accredited barber program. How long is barber school? To take the licensing exam, you must complete a minimum 1,000-hour barbering training program that covers everything from traditional techniques to modern trends and sanitation.


In the Houston Training Schools barber program, your curriculum will cover the following topics


  • Orientation, theory, and salon management
  • Shampoos, rinses, and scalp treatments
  • Chemical rearranging (perms and relaxers)
  • Hair coloring and bleaching
  • Hair styling and cutting
  • Manicuring
  • Facials and other skin care
  • Shaving
  • And more!


The 1,000-hour course should take around 40 weeks to complete. However, Houston Training Schools offers flexible scheduling options for students who prefer to finish their training at their own pace. This includes night classes for those who are unable to attend daytime classes.

The importance of hands-on learning

Houston Training Schools provides a hybrid learning approach, combining classroom instruction with hands-on practice in the student salon. Why is hands-on learning important? Hands-on learning allows students to take the knowledge they’ve learned in class and apply it to real clients looking for barber services. This practical experience allows for adaptation to various hair types, customer preferences, and essential hygiene protocols.

Step 3: Pass your state licensing exams

After completing and passing your barber program, the final step is preparing for the state licensing exam. This test generally consists of both a written portion and a practical portion, which means you must be ready to demonstrate your skills in person. You can apply and take the exams as many times as you need.


With both sections passed, you’ll receive your license to practice as a professional barber in the state of Texas! This is a huge achievement and marks the official beginning of your career as a Houston barber. As a licensed barber, you will be able to help your clients look and feel their best and advise them on grooming matters including how often to get a haircut. You can recommend products, try out new styles and techniques, and build genuine relationships with your clients.

Become a barber with the help of Houston Training Schools

The first step for how to become a barber is to choose the right school for you. Although there are many barber schools in Houston to choose from, Houston Training Schools stands out among them by offering students a well-rounded education in and out of the classroom. Our dedication to quality education, hands-on learning, and maintaining a diverse environment among our student body sets us apart from other institutions.


We make it our mission to not only help our students feel prepared for their licensing exams but to make them feel prepared for their future careers. With a mix of persistence, creativity, and professionalism, you can build a successful career in this thriving industry.


If you’re ready to jumpstart your dream of becoming a professional barber, apply online today or call 713-674-2300 to ask about our campus tours.


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